How it all started

I suffer from trichotillomania which means I have the urge to pull my hair out.
I know, sounds weird right?
What people don't know is that there are many women who suffer from this, unfortunately it's not something that we like to admit or tell others. It's an embarrassing illness. I started to show signs when I was 13, trauma in my life had triggered it an doctors quickly diagnosed me with having tourettes, which, at 13 is pretty scary!

After years and years of going to different doctors, different medications I finally said enough was enough. I started to look at what triggers my trichotillomania, stress, foods etc. and realized that my OCD wasn't helping.

I finally figured out that I could feel when an episode would be coming on, anytime life got stressful or overwhelming I knew I would have an episode. So I started to crochet. Part of controlling my trichotillomania is to keep my hands busy and crocheting does just that, plus I end up with a cool product!

So here I am today, I have 3 wonderful kids, I have an awesome husband who has helped me through everything and is so supportive, and now I have my shop! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!